Практический курс английского языка (грамматика, фонетика, лексика). Часть 1

О курсе

The course is intended for students who are acquiring an additional specialization of Translators in professional sphere of communication.
The main objective of the course is to develop students' English language competency at the level that will enable them to function adequately as interpreters (English-Russian).  The academic discipline covers 2 semesters of the first academic year.
The course covers such topics “Phonetics”, "Relations",  “Art and traditions”, “Global issues”, "Nominative Parts of Speech", "Verb", "Syntax".
Special attention is paid to the development of students' translation skills and memory capacity as one of the crucial skills for interpreting.

Результаты обучения

After doing this course students should be able to demonstrate:

knowledge of:
• English vocabulary and grammar that are necessary for successful oral and written communication in the fields related to the thematic scope of the course;
• relevant terminology and general notions associated with relations, art and traditions and global issues.

skills in:

• understanding oral and written authentic English related to relations, art and traditions and global issues;
• producing fluent English speech;
• generating written and oral statements using English in the situations related to the thematic scope of the course;
• switching from the original language to target language and vice versa; 
• following the grammar, syntax and stylistic norms of the Russian and English languages.

Образовательная программа (ДОП)

Переводчик в сфере профессиональной коммуникации: английский язык

Программа курса

MODULE 1.  Phonetics 
MODULE 2.  Relations
MODULE 3.  Art and traditions 
MODULE 4.  Global issues 
Grammar. Nominative Parts of Speech
Grammar. Verb

Memory training

Final tests

Длительность курса, количественные характеристики, форма аттестации

Продолжительность курса –  18 недель
Трудоемкость освоения курса – 230 часов
Трудоемкость курса – 6,39 
Форма контроля – зачет

Автор курса*

Зеремская  Юлия Александровна, доцент ОИЯ ШБИП
*Курс создан при частичном использовании материалов Поздеевой Галины Петровны, доцента ОИЯ ШБИП

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Уровень квалификации: Начальный